Strategic Action Area

We are in process of developing our five year strategy which will aim to help secure this better future for people, nature, and climate by transforming the business-as-usual approaches.

Climate change and anticipatory early actions

We create, share, and use knowledge to shape development policy and practice for climate resilience and anticipatory early actions, equitable global governance, and community adaptation to climate change. We intend to contribute to stabilizing climate while meeting people’s needs and protecting nature. We work with policymakers, businesses, civil society, and others to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support communities in building resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management

We work to build partnerships, capacity and wise decision making for fair and sustainable use of natural resources, with a focus on local control and local benefits. Our focus is to help policy makers, practitioners and community leaders understand the links between biodiversity, conservation, and local livelihoods for conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of natural resources.

Sustainable food and agriculture

We use research and action to design and sustain resilient local food systems, support biocultural innovation, and secure fair consumption. We aim to provide evidence to transform the way the world produces food to create a better future for people, nature, and the climate. We develop cutting-edge research and innovative partnerships to produce more food while protecting and restoring ecosystems and shifting toward lower-carbon consumption patterns.

GEDSI, youth and justice

We aim to analyse and integrate gender equality issues in all our activities, and to engage with and contribute to emerging debates on gender equality and intersectionality. We start with analyses of voice, power and vulnerability in climate, disaster, and environmental decision-making.  We identify critical steps local to global leaders must take to ensure climate justice, inclusivity, transparency, and accountability. We build citizens’ capacity to engage in the climate and environmental decisions that impact their lives and ensure more just, sustainable outcomes. And we mobilize youth and civil society networks that drive bottom-up change and secure better futures for communities around the world.

Capacity building and Advocacy

Keeping in mind that transitioning to a green economy is essential for sustainable development, we provide services on green economy initiatives that promote eco-friendly business practices and sustainable economic growth. Additionally, we focus on enhancing good governance practices by advocating for transparency, accountability, and inclusive decision-making processes ensuring the transition to low-carbon technologies or carbon resilient development does not undermine the rights of indigenous people, youth, women, disabled, marginalized groups etc.

Policy support

It is at the heart of our work – from citizen groups to multilateral organisations. We aspire to work alongside diverse partners in various locations to generate evidence and build capacity in order to drive change in policy and practice. Clim Adapt works with governments, the private sector, civil society, and citizens to address issues that matter most to vulnerable communities. We focus on social and financial equity, poverty, adaptation to climate change, environmental rights, pollution, and responsive government.